Monday moment of Clarity

So excited to drive the new Honda Clarity Fuel Cell – coming to L.A. by the end of this year! Amazed to learn that it will have all of the latest driver safety features (lane keeping assist and adaptive cruise control, among others) that will help me stay on the road safely on my drives to our farm (The Mesa) – I can’t wait – less than 20 weeks to CLARITY.


Researchers examined diet and mortality among some 125,000 male and female health professionals who were free of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes at baseline. During roughly 30 years’ follow-up, over 33,000 participants died. High intake of saturated fat — when replacing carbohydrates — was associated with an 8% increase in total mortality. Similarly, high trans fat intake conferred a 13% mortality increase. In contrast, high intakes of polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids were associated with 19% and 11% reductions in mortality, respectively. In addition, replacing 5% of calories from saturated fat with calories from polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids was associated with mortality reductions of 27% and 13%, respectively. The authors conclude: “Replacement of saturated fats with unsaturated fats … should continue to be a key message in dietary recommendations. These findings also support the elimination of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, the primary source of trans-fatty acids.” At NutriFit, we minimize saturated fats because we care about your health. Science proves it, and we believe it.

Celebrating World Chocolate Day

The Aztecs and Mayans were the first to recognize the potency of chocolate – they’d celebrate the harvest of the cacao bean with festivals of wild orgies. Montezuma believed that drinking 50 cups of chocolate each day enabled him to better serve his harem of 600 women. For my NutriFit meal delivery service clients, I believe that it puts us in “the zone”. The zone of health, that is! Science gives us another reason to enjoy this heady delight. Dark chocolate contains naturally occurring plant compounds called Flavonoids. These natural powerhouses are part of the polyhenol group. Some of the key heart health benefits of chocolate include:
  • Decreases LDL oxidation (Low-density lipoproteins, which are the unhealthy kind).
  • Reduces stickiness of platelets in the blood, which reduces risk of blood clots
  • May lower blood pressure
  • Increases blood flow in the arteries- (Increased blood flow can lead to brain health benefits, including boosting memory, attention span, reaction time and problem solving skills).
Some psychological benefits of chocolate include improved mood and pleasure, by boosting serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain. Finally, flavonoids absorb UV light, and so have a beauty benefit of keeping women’s skin more moist, smoother and less scaly. After all, better blood flow in general also means increased blood flow to the skin! For all these reasons, and because I love chocolate, I’ve designed hundreds of delivered, healthy diets that include daily doses of the best quality, most delicious, guiltless decadent desserts. mint-chip-brownies