NutriFit in the News!

Interested in some of the tips Jackie gives readers in magazines? Check out the following already published pieces:

Cosmopolitan: February 2009 issue, page 196: Q & A: “I’m 30, and I seem to gain weight more easily than I did in my 20s. Why?” Blame your metabolism, which naturally slows a bit once you hit your 30s. Also, lifestyle changes that make you more sedentary as you age can lead to pound creepage, explains nutritionist Jackie Keller, founder of the meal delivery service NutriFit.”

CNN (December 9, 2008) and Health magazine December 2008: Celebrity diet tricks that work (and two that you should avoid) by Hallie Levine Sklar:.”L.A. nutritionist Jackie Keller tells clients like Charlize Theron to pile their plates high with asparagus and green beans. “They’re high in filling fiber, but less likely to expand in your stomach”.

Harper’s Bazaar Best of What’s New (August 2008) Get a Better Body in 2 Weeks: “an intelligent approach to steamlining your diet is just as effective, says L.A. nutrition expert Jackie Keller…plus, if you’re eating real food, you can think, exercise and be around people while dieting.” “Never cut out carbohydrates completely, explains Keller. If you don’t have a sustained energy source, your body will burn muscle for energy”.