More Great Kale & Green Tea Benefits

Good news for green tea lovers! Several new studies are confirming even more great benefits for green tea! Researchers have found that several vitamins, fatty acids and polyphenol compounds found in green tea help protect brain cells against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Also, the superfood that will never go out of style – Kale, along with other dark, leafy greens – is being shown in more and more studies to reduce the risk of cancer due to its higher levels of glucosinolates! Also, just one cup of kale contains “5 grams fiber, 200% of your daily vitamin C, 180% of vitamin A and 40% of magnesium. It’s packed with at least 45 antioxidant flavonoids” (Tufts Healthy & Nutrition Letter).

For more information on the benefits of green tea, kale and other hot items – check out this clip of Food Exposed, where Jackie & nutrition expert, Patricia Greenberg, discuss the fact and fiction behind superoods!

The Fitness Gourmet’s Patricia Greenberg… foodexposed