- Whole foods, vegan and vegetarian meal plans fully customized to your goals, tastes and schedule
- Our online member’s platform allows you to easily manage your schedule
- Plant-based meal plans designed by nutritionists and prepared by professional chefs, delivered fresh to your door
- Plant based approach formulated with synergistic pairings of plant foods to optimize nutrient absorption and provide complete plant proteins
Tailor and Price a Plant Based Meal Plan

Our plant-based meal delivery plans offer all the necessary protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health, and is often higher in fiber and phytonutrients. This includes not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans, so it takes significant planning to do it right!
NutriFit has over 32 years of experience in providing clients wholesome, balanced vegetarian and vegan meal planning services. Whether adopting a plant-forward plan for personal, health or environmental reasons, NutriFit clients love the convenience our service provides. Our plant-based meals arrive fresh, ready-to-eat and are completely customized to each client’s personal preferences.

By following your tasty recipes and learning from you about the different food sources (protein, carbs, fats) and how they impact one’s body, I have been able to pack on 10 lbs of muscle while simultaneously reducing my body fat and achieving a more athletic physique.
My energy levels are up, my focus has improved and my performance in the gym is better than ever. Even my business suits fit better.
Thanks for all that you do – you truly are an ambassador for health and vitality.
– Rob Austin