Have the healthiest year ever! Dec 26 2012 Here’s a checklist of middle aged women's health tips so you can have t...
How I stay motivated as a small business owner? Sep 6 2012 My company, NutriFit, recently turned 25. So what keeps someone motivated for...
Designing a Meal Plan to Flourish Sep 4 2012 It’s no secret that eating well is essential for staying active and pro...
Brain Boosters! Aug 16 2012 Ever feel like you are not as sharp as you used to be? Your brain needs n...
Making a difference after 25 years Jun 11 2012 I was moved to tears by this note from one of our NutriFit clients this w...
New study finds overweight women may never escape the painful stigma of obesity – even after they have shed the pounds Jun 7 2012 I came across this research from three universities which concluded tha...
Fat Choices Also Affect Your Brain Jun 1 2012 That bacon double cheeseburger might be as bad for your brain as it is fo...
How do you diet? Feb 21 2012 How do you diet? Do you feel trapped while dieting, give in to your cravi...
To diet pill or not to diet pill? Jan 16 2012 Thinking about diet pills as a way to lose weight this year? Most diet pi...