How much sleep are you getting? Jun 18 2012 Sleep has been shown to play an important role in weight management. Ther...
Ageless Vitality, Vigor and Vivaciousness Jun 13 2012 Nearly every day, you hear about some miracle potion, powder or pill that...
Making a difference after 25 years Jun 11 2012 I was moved to tears by this note from one of our NutriFit clients this w...
Fat Choices Also Affect Your Brain Jun 1 2012 That bacon double cheeseburger might be as bad for your brain as it is fo...
Vegetarian Athletes? May 17 2012 A few weeks back I gave you how you can get vegetarian meal plans deliver...
Halting the Salt – 10 Easy Ways To Shake the Habit May 14 2012 The average person in the U.S. consumes about 3,500 milligrams of sodium ...
Less than $5 vegetarian entrees! Apr 30 2012 Now you have some delicious wholesome vegetarian soups, here are two of m...
Color Up Your Diet! Mar 15 2012 Close your eyes and visualize all of the colors of the rainbow. Now think...
Fun Friday- May 20th, 2011 May 20 2011 What’s everyone’s plans for the weekend? For those of you who’re ...